Billy Rainey Billy Rainey

“Love Has A Name” with Adam Weber

Chris and Eddie are joined by Adam Weber, pastor of Embrace Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Adam’s most recent book, Love Has A Name, details the kind of healing love that draws people closer to Jesus and the true heart of the Gospel. His experience as a pastor has been greatly enriched by the work of ministry that happens right on his front porch. He talks to Chris and Eddie about his passion for mental health awareness, the problems and questions from people outside of the church, and how to use language to build empathy and trust.

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Cody Hickman Cody Hickman

0022 - The Weight - Brian Zahnd - “America: Empire or Exile”

Brian spoke with Eddie and Chris about his personal transformation from conservative evangelicalism to what he calls the “biblical Gospel of peace.” He uses the narrative of his life and the evangelical movement to offer a wholehearted critique of the marriage of civil religion and the American church and the ways it can inhibit faithfulness to the call of Christ. Though Zahnd’s ideas may rub against the grain of the beliefs of some, it offers an important perspective to consider in the discernment of faithful witness in the United States.

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Cody Hickman Cody Hickman

0015 - The Weight - Adam Hamilton - “Innovation, Mission, and Reopening”

Hamilton discusses the frequent zoom calls with his staff, the opportunity to learn and connect with other pastors in the United States, and the unexpected rewards in the midst of having to remain at home. Listeners will learn what Church of the Resurrection is doing and how they will approach reopening. All three pastors Chris, Eddie, and Adam examine and consider the new form of ministry that focuses on online worship. Hamilton emphasizes the importance of holding onto the knowledge gained during this time and applying it to the future.

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