0004 - The Weight - Mike Slaughter - “Leading In A Time Of Crisis”


As leaders across sectors continue to make transitions necessitated by COVID-19, we sought the wisdom and guidance of veteran pastor Mike Slaughter, Pastor Emeritus of Ginghamsburg Church, about how to lead in a time of crisis. Drawing upon four decades of experience and a ministry marked by innovation, Mike helped us to really think about the gravity of what we are experiencing. Mike leveled with us. We are not going back to normal. The novel coronavirus is not just something for leaders to “get through” for a few days or weeks. It is likely to affect our organizations and churches for years to come. Given that reality, he helps us think about how to quickly set aside our working assumptions and begin to ask the right questions to write a new playbook for ministry, not only in this season but for years to come.  

Mike’s website: http://www.mikeslaughter.com/
Facebook: @PastorMikeSlaughter
Twitter: @RevMSlaughter

Here’s a recent blog post in which Mike asks “will COVID-19 Accelerate the De-Churching of America?


Here’s a link to his most recent book Revolutionary Kingdom:

Here’s a link to an article by Andy Crouch that echoes a lot of what Mike talks about. It’s about why every organization must now be a startup: 



0005 - The Weight - Sarah Ligon - “Suddenly Homeschoolers”


0003 - The Weight - Pat Ward - “Mental Health and COVID-19”