0011 - The Weight - Kevin Watson - “Big Pandemic. Small Groups.”


What could it look like to use this time of physical distancing to reclaim the transformational power of spiritual community? 

In this week’s episode, we engage that question with Rev. Dr. Kevin Watson, Assistant Professor of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies at Candler School of Theology. Professor Watson’s research interests focus on the early Methodist practices of class and band Meetings: gatherings where the pursuit of holiness and the abundance of grace go hand in hand to bring about personal transformation. 

An essential part of John Wesley’s structure for the Methodist movement that he founded, band and class meetings are small group gatherings that encourage holiness by giving participants the grace and space to be honest about the state of their souls and the sins that they have struggled with. In reflection on Wesley's class meeting and band meeting structure, early Methodist leader George Whitfield once said, "My Brother Wesley acted wisely, the souls that were awakened under his ministry he joined in class, and thus preserved the fruits of his labor. This I neglected, and my people are a rope of sand.”  

In this episode, Chris and Eddie talk with Professor Watson about the importance of a renewed focus on this type of intentional, vulnerable community and how being a part of one, even if virtually for the time being, can help us confront our sins and grow in holiness during this time of global crisis.


How to Quickly and Easily Launch Online Class Meetings

Professor Watson gives a clear, step by step guidance on how you can engage the early Methodist practice of Class Meetings while physically distancing. 

Professor Watson’s Website

Professor Watson posts regular reflections on Wesleyan theology and its application to modern life on his personal website. You can also learn more about him and his writings.

The Class Meeting: Reclaiming a Forgotten (and Essential) Small Group Experience

Professor Watson writes about the structure of class meetings; a small group experience designed to lead participants to deeper discipleship.

The Band Meeting: Rediscovering Relational Discipleship in Transformational Community

Professor Watson writes about the structure of Band Meetings; a gathering that is typically geared for smaller, same gender groups where the honest confession of sins is encouraged for the sake of experiencing substantial grace.


0012 - The Weight - Bishop James Swanson - “Race and Healing”


0010 - The Weight - Josh West - “Leading Toward the Common Good”